Sunday, February 06, 2005


It's weird today, the weather started out nice...almost warm...then it got all rainy and cold...blah!

We went to Tia's for lunch today - it was YUMMY! But then again, Tia's is always yummy...hehe...we were supposed to meet one of my classmates there, but she didn't answer when I called her, so we went just the 2 of us. Tasted the same though...heheh...Then we went to Wally for the weekly trip...had a few things we needed. Actually did better than we usually do, and this time pretty much stuck to the list!

My husband got got a camera phone today...hehe...his friend got one just like mine, and that was too much for him, he wanted one that's his Valentine's day present. He's happy, and that's what's important! I've told him that I want a build-a-bear for Valentine's day, and a printer for my birthday (also on Valentine's day for anyone who doesn't know)...I'm wanting a printer for my computer that'll print pictures on photo paper, so I can print out some of my digital pictures that I've taken. Besides, the printer we have is REALLY's slow....and OLD! It was given to me by a good friend's boyfriend (at the time, they aren't together anymore). For the price I won't complain, but I really want one that'll print pictures...I think that's what he's gonna get me, cause I think he thinks it'll be cool too (that was a lot of "think"ing in that sentence). heheh...The other possibility I told him was I wanted a "Chi" to straighten my hair, but I doubt I'll get that because he'd have to go into a beauty supply store all alone, and he doesn't like that idea...(he doesn't want to go to Build-a-bear and make the bear for me, he wants me to do it, so I know a beauty supply store wouldn't happen!!!)

NEXT WEEK THIS TIME I"LL BE IN MONROE!!! Woo hooo!!!! My cousin is getting married...we'll probably be working towards leaving at this time next week, so it won't be TOOO late when we get home, but we'll be IN Monroe, and that's what's important...

Well It's getting close to time to go to church this I better go get nephew (B) is singing tonight with the pre-school choir, so we don't want to miss that!


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