Monday, May 16, 2005

Contacts and other stuff....

Well I've had contacts for about a week now...I think I really like them! I was a goof this weekend though! I was working on one of my take home exams, and noticed I was having trouble right eye has been the one that's given me the most trouble, so I assumed that was the problem...kept working with it....finally decided to give up and take out the contacts, cause I had to get the exam done, and back in by Sunday evening. Went to take both out, and realized I didn't have the left one in....I had put it in, but it wasn't there now....ack! I hadn't messed with that one at all, but distinctly remember putting it in. Went to check the bathroom to see if it was in luck...gave up, called the dr's office since they have Saturday hours, to see if I could just get another one....message that they close at 3 on guessed it, it was 3:30....irg....went back to my exam figured I'd just worry about it Monday. At some point looked down at my feet (by the couch), and there was my was all dried out, and hard, and folded in half....great! I decided to put it in solution to see if it would soften back up, and maybe unfold....checked about 10 minutes later and it had softened up, but was stuck folded, so I tried playing with it a bit, to unfold it (can't use it folded at all), and proceeded to tear it (CRAP!)....put it back in the solution and went back to my test....several hours later thought of them again, and went to see....yep...easily unfolded, and could have been worn (after cleaning)....except in my impatience...I'd torn them....*sigh* an learn! Called this morning, and went at lunch and got a new set...good grief! They don't bother me today at all...well the left one I can feel a little, but the right one I can't really (and yes it's still in my eye - I checked!).

Tomorrow morning the fun begins with about an hour of work followed by another trip to the seems if you skip a couple year going to the dentist, they like to make up the lost business! I have to go tomorrow AND Thursday for fillings....fortunatly it's just fillings, and nothing worse, but still...good grief! I'm not too worried about tomorrow's visit, since I'm getting the goofy gas to calm me down...just not looking forward to returning to work, and not really being able to eat my lunch as half my mouth will be numb, and I'd look really cute with food, and water and such dribbled down my clothes! Thursday will be the same fun, but won't work first, I get to go straight to the dentist...woo hoo....

Amongst all this fun, I have to finish my last take home exam (I'm hoping to finish tonight). I started last night, but only got about 25% of it done. It's not due till Wednesday night, so I'm not too worried about getting it done, I just have to take the time to do it! My sweet wonderful husband agreed to have a "no TV" night tonight, so I'd get it done. He said he'd rather have me home with the TV off, than for me to go up to the school to do it. He's such a sweetie!

Thank goodness this week ends with VACATION!!!!!!!!! I'm so ready! And Friday evening we'll get to see some friends that moved to Oklahoma, that I haven't seen since I went to Florida to visit my college pastor (they were both in Florida at the same time).

It's weird to try and think of descriptions of people so the readers who know me personally will know who I'm talking about, but where I don't use names (trying to protect the not so innocent...after all if you're associated with me...)

Well so far as work goes I've got to have all months stuff done before I leave (3 more working days), so I better get back to it!


1 comment:

Raleigh said...

Oh the wonderful world of contacts! I've done the same thing! Sometimes they can really be a nuisance but I'd rather put up with them than wear glasses or be blind!