Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Is it Friday yet???

Oh my goodness...this is the longest week!!!! and we're only on Tuesday!?! I'm sooooo tired this morning...I actually slept really well, it was nice and cold in the apt, and I was all snuggled up under the blankets, and when going to bed last night was getting a bad headache, so took a flextra and an Advil, and conked out! Didn't want to get up this morning....and really wanna go back to bed still! Oh well, I can hold out till lunch.

I scheduled an eye appointment for this afternoon...we just got a good vision plan this year, and I can tell my eyes are getting worse. So it's looking like I'm getting more bang for my buck in law school after all...not only will I have my JD, but I'm also earning really bad eye sight! It's really not that bad compared to some of my blind friends, but it is getting worse.

I also scheduled a dentist appointment for Thursday around lunch time. I figure I've been paying for this dental coverage for 2 1/2 years, I might as well use it! Also with vacation coming up, I don't wanna be somewhere out west and have tooth problems...and with my luck...that's how it'd happen!

So I'm bein all 'sponsible and stuff...

And Wednesday night I have a final, and Friday night I have a final (the way I wanna spend my Friday lemme tell ya!). I have 2 take home finals...one I was planning to do this past weekend (based on my wording I"m sure you already know), but I didn't get it done. The other take home I have 48 hrs from when I pick it up to finish it, so I think I'm gonna get it Friday night after that final, and do it Saturday, and turn it in Sunday.

This is shaping up to be a very fun filled week....can you tell...I know you're jealous!!!


I got a funny e-mail I'm going to see if I can post in a little bit, so stay tuned for that....ok - I can't do it - anyone know how to add a video type thing to a blog? the picture program won't do it, so I can't attach the funny....*sigh*....fitting for this week!

better get back to work for now...

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