Thursday, September 15, 2005

for my fan club....

Since I apparently have fans that life stops for when I don't write, I figure I better get something posted, so they can move on in their lives! LOL! Actually life's been rather hectic around my little world, so I just plain haven't had the time to post. Most days I have things I would like to blog about, but when you don't have internet at home, don't need to use the internet at school, and are extremely busy with work to use the internet at makes it kinda challenging to post!

I finally finished my July recons...they had to be in by today at the latest, and I just turned in the last one (that I can do), so life is good again! :-) I have 2 that I can't do right now, one because of problems with reporting, and one because a file has to be loaded, which should be done by the end of the day hopefully! I still have plenty to do (for now), but I'm giving myself a break, and letting you read my rambles! Don't you feel special!? LOL!

Well - we have all our crap in the new house...I can't wait to go through it all...I'm planning to get rid of everything we don't currently more storing up for "one day"...cause when "one day" gets here...I will want "new stuff" not the stored old stuff (if I could even find it!)... We've decided to leave everything in boxes for now though...kinda...well we're waiting to do most of the unpacking until the new carpet is put in cause we've gotta shuffle stuff for it again. But that's to be taken care of Monday morning! YAY! I'm ready for pee pee carpet in the living room to be gone! Apparently the former owner's dog's favorite "spot" was right in the walkway to the kitchen...YUCK! Come on Monday! I think Monday will be the last day that I have to miss work for something on the house for a while too, which will be nice! :-) Fortunately most of this has all been at times when I'm not too busy (*read* not during close), but I'm running low on vacation time!! Which is kinda sad since I had FOUR weeks of vacation at the beginning of the year! (Granted I went on 2 week-long adventures this summer!).

Ok - I've rambled long enough for now...need to do a few more things...but now maybe my fans will be happy for a little while! ;-)

Ta-Ta For now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy, Happy! Joy, Joy!