Friday, November 04, 2005

every other week it is...

So, it seems that I can't get this updated more than every other week...*sigh*...I've been wanting to...have had things to say, just no time to say them! I'm loving the new job still...which is a good thing! :-) LOL I stay busy...that's one of the reasons this hasn't been updated in a while. I'm at lunch right now, is how I'm able to do it, and I really should be getting ready for class tonight during this time, but I've got a terrible headache, so that's not gonna happen!

Going to be in Monroe on Saturday...I'm kinda looking forward to that...we're only going to be there for a day, so there's a limited amount of time to do what I want to do! I've got homework to do this weekend, so we can't stay all weekend...I'm going to use Sunday to get homework done. There's 3 of us gals riding down together, so that should be fun, and of course the baby shower will be fun - how can it not be fun looking at cute baby things for a little girl!? I have a cousin's bridal shower that's this weekend also, but I'm gonna have to pass on that...will get a gift, and send it, but I've just got too much to do for school (finals are in a month!!!!) to stay for the whole weekend, and go to both!

This past weekend I finished unpacking my kitchen!! YAY! Actually that's not 100% true, cause I have one more box to unpack, but I can't do it right now, because we haven't bought the cabinet we're gonna put it in, for me to put it in. LOL! My sweet wonderful husband went hunting...he was happy...made for a quiet house, which was nice for a while, but by the time he got home I was ready for him to be home - I missed him! :-) He didn't kill anything but time...he did see a couple though...took a shot at one of them, but overshot it (he was bow hunting, and has 2 green sites, and he used the wrong one).

Church Sunday was great...Bro. P preached on revival...used the standard revival verse..."If my people which are called by my name, will humble themselves, and pray, and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven, and heal their lands." (typed from memory, so if it's not exact, sorry). He preached it a little different from what I'd heard in the past, and the Lord convicted me heavily! He started with a comment about how the church is growing etc, but that we still needed revival...he said if you'd ever been closer to the Lord than you are right now...then you needed revival. Conviction started there, and we were only 2 sentences into the message! WOW! His "spin" on that verse was to tell us of 4 things that PREVENT revival. They were 1. Pride (acting like you don't need God...and he focused on your actions, not so much having the thought that "I don't need God," but having actions that say "I don't need God" - ouch), 2. Prayerlessness (he called this the 1st cousin to Pride cause it's the Pride that leads us to stop praying to God, seeking His help, cause we can handle it on our own...granted when things get tough, we call on Him again, but as soon as it gets better, He's put on the back burner again - OUCH!), 3. Priorities (this one he talked about our actions again...he said you might think God's your priority, but check and see where you spend you time, money, thoughts, etc and that's actually what your priority is - OUCH!) , and 4. Presumption (this one he talked about how we tend to say "well I know I'm saved, and God's gonna forgive me anyway, so let me go ahead and do whatever. - at first I didn't think I did this one that much, but as I've thought on this all week (obviously if I'm typing Friday about Sunday's message it's been on my mind), I've realized I do this one too). So needless to say - Sunday helped me a LOT, I definitely left church different than how I arrived (something it's sad to say hasn't happened in a LONG time!). I've realized I've let something happen that I was afraid of, but instead of guarding against it, I've let it happen...that's letting school (which has to take up a lot of my time, just in its nature), come between me and my Savior...and I've missed out on that perfect fellowship! I challenge you to think on these 4 points, and see if there's something in your life that's come between you and your Savior, and if you don't have a Savior, then I challenge you to fix that part today, before it's too late...the time is drawing near!

ok - well - lunch is over, so I better get back to work...let me know your thoughts on this posting (that's what the comment section is for! ;-) ) Hope everyone has a GREAT weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

now THIS was a post i enjoyed reading.

that's what the comment section is for!

funny that i was thinking i would comment, right before i read that...

... get outta my head!