Thursday, January 12, 2006


Apparently 4 weeks off from school equals 4 weeks off from blogging! LOL! and I've heard about it plenty...people think I have nothing better to do than write on here...if only that were really the case! LOL

Well - school starts back next week...I've got mixed emotions about it - I do enjoy school, and am glad I'm able to attend, but I enjoy coming home in the evenings with nothing that I HAVE to do! I'm taking 5 classes this semester...and go 5 nights a week...that's gonna suck! But if I don't do it this semester, I won't be able to take the summer off, and/or won't get to graduate next May! WOW - right now it seems like it's not that far off...granted by March it'll feel like it's FOREVER away, but that's just the stress factor! I guess I should start seriously thinking about what I'm gonna be when I grow what part of law I want to practice in and such...*sigh* being grown up is stressful! Tell all your yayhoo's to enjoy the "kid" life, and don't try to rush it too much! I can say that the break has felt longer than it is because I've made it a point to enjoy each day individually, and not rush the weeks...(like I'm not thinking "oh I wish it were the weekend" - I'm enjoying it's Thursday and I don't have class, I can spend the evening with my sweet wonderful husband!).

Well that was a long ramble paragraph about school - wasn't that fun! LOL

Ok - what all has happened since my last post...let's see...Christmas...and New sweet wonderful husband's b'day...I think that's it in the big picture...

Christmas was good - it felt so rushed trying to see everyone, but it was worth it...both sets of parents gave money! It worked out great...we ended up using the actual cash that they gave us to keep from putting our visit on the credit wasn't what we had hoped to spend it on, but it was the responsible thing to do! Like I said earlier - being grown up stinks!

(This post is taking forever to write cause I'm typing it as I find a few minutes)

My sweetie and I rang in the New Year with 2 couples from church...we visited and played games and such till the New Year was fun!

I worked my fanny off the first week of this year...worked 47 hours (at was off Monday)...sheesh!...15 hrs overtime, without pay...gotta love being salaried! I was afraid I wasn't going to get to go home at a reasonable time on my sweet wonderful husband's birthday, and was getting upset, but fortunately I got off by 6, so we were able to go out to eat.

That gets us through most of last week...This week has been rather uneventful, which is a good thing...I was kinda sick the first part of the week - basic sinus crud...but I'm better now...I just keep having these coughing fits where I sound like I'm trying to cough up one of my co-workers swear that I shouldn't have lungs left! :-)

Oh - with the WLS/WLN split with the company I work for...I'll be going WLS, so no big change for management will be changing up some, but that's not a big deal.

Oh got news this week that my friend's mom who had the brain tumor that they operated on to not doing well...the tumor is growing back, and she's very week from the Chemo and Radiation. Pray for the mom...and the family...while only God knows...there is a fear that she might not make it "much" longer...(I've heard either a year or at least a year...which are 2 very different things)...granted like I said - God's in control of it all...the Lord could come back and she get raptured out like the rest of us! How great would that be! Ok - anyway - pray for them, cause it's still tough to watch someone you love battle cancer...and it's tough for her battling the cancer!

Ok - I think I'm caught up for now...we'll see...This has taken me too long to write, so it's as caught up as I'm gonna be for today anyway!

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