Well...it seems I've lost what few readers I actually had...how sad!...maybe now I can talk about everyone!? ;-) made ya look!
I've got a few things marked off my list...but it's still a long list! I finished the MPRE....the ethics part of the bar...that was Saturday...I'll get my results in 4-6 weeks...I've asked some people to write my letters of recommendation for my bar application...I've ordered my graduation costume, announcements, etc...got Termite damage repaired...
Still to do...finish bar application...actually get the letters of recommendation...get fingerprinted...send it all off...pay for barbri etc...pay for PMBR (if I decide to do it...I've heard so many thoughts on the value of it, so I haven't decided)...finish the semester...finals...will have to mail announcements when they come in...
This weekend is to get the house back together (have ignored the mess to study for MPRE)...next weekend is off to NC to see bro & SIL!...then a week of spring break...then going to see the parental units...then back to the grind...finish the last 4 weeks of school...finals...etc
I feel like I'm missing something I was gonna write about....but now that I have the screen open and am typing, I can't remember what I was gonna say!
Maybe I'll write another post in my next class (2 posts for the price of 1!)...since this class is about over...(but no promises!)
If I actually know you personally...know that I'm missing you like CRAZY! If I don't know you and you're reading this...I don't know you...what do you expect...I can't miss ya if I don't know you! :-) But thanks for reading!
Leave comments...let me know what's going on in your lives!
I miss you too!
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