Thursday, February 10, 2005


Thursday means that Friday is real close by...woohoo!! I like Friday, especially THIS Friday because it means I get to go to Monroe! Have ya noticed that I like Monroe?? hehehe

I was really happy when I went down stairs to get my breakfast...they actually HAD bacon...they've been out the last two or three days, and bacon is my favorite part of breakfast! So I got plenty of bacon and some eggs...yummy...and have coffee that my sweet wonderful husband made this morning...he's so good to me!

Yesterday was a little...depressing...I found out 3 people I know personally, and one that's related to someone I know are getting divorced...I know it happens all the time these days, but to find out about all of them in one day...and these are the first divorces I've heard of since I got I have a view marriage with a different understanding made me sad...and one of them has a small child (her daughter is 2), and in my family law class we've been discussing child custody, and discussing the effects divorce has on kids...*sigh*...I pray I never have to go through that...myself or with any of my close friends...I know we all have our minds set that divorce is not an option...but...I don't know...most people don't go into a marriage expecting it to fail...and with how much I love my husband, even when we fight...I don't understand how people can get to the point of divorce...I don't understand what happens to push it over to that side...

Ok - off the depressing topic...I can't wait till tomorrow...I usually try not to "wish for another day" because then you spend your life wishing your life away....but tomorrow has "many good things" to quote an old band director...hehehe...and I'm ready for them...granted I'm sure God has many good things for today, and I should spend today looking for those, but when you KNOW the next day does, it's hard!

Ok - enough for now - off to look for today's good things...

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