Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Nothing important to say

I haven't posted in a few days because I haven't had anything I've wanted to say...and have been really busy both at work and with school. I really don't have much to say today, but I'll write anyway, it's my world, I can do that right! :-)

I'm SOOO ready for finals to be over. If I can make it through the next 24 days, I'll be headed out west on vacation!!!! I can't wait! I'm not TOOOOOOOOOOO stressed over finals...nothing more than usual anyway, but the subject matter isn't going to be "too bad" from what I can tell so far. Granted I've got to study a ton still!

I'm going to Juvenile Court today. I'm kinda looking forward to that. I missed the tour of the juvenile detention center, and to make that up, my professor said I could just go sit and listen in court for an hour or so. Since tomorrow's the last class for me to talk to her about the experience, I kinda have to get over there, and fortunately they said I can come today. The only caveat is that since juvenile proceedings are confidential that if either attorney doesn't want me in the court room then I have to leave. Since I'm not from here, I'm doubting that there will be too much problem, as it's very unlikely that I'll know any of the "kids" there. Each proceeding will be different attorney's so if one won't let me in, hopefully the next would. I'll letcha know tomorrow how it went.

I've got several things to finish before I go though, so I'm gonna get off here for now...I might add more later (depending on when I get done at the court house).


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