Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Three days in a row!

Aren't you excited! I am!

I have Spring Fever BAAAD! I'm ready for my week off from school AND work! Can you tell (as I type this in class instead of notes)...We're discussing Value Added Taxes was interesting at first...we were discussing tax evasion, and the theories there. I have so much to do between now and Spring Break though - I want to be able to play the whole week, so have to get lots done in the mean time.

You know - if you people would update your blogs, I could have something to read while I'm in class, and be entertained! So get on that - k? K!

My tooth that I had the root canal done in is STILL bothering me...I'm worried about it. I'm supposed to get the crown next week, and I'm wondering if the crown will make the "hurt" go away...and if it doesn't is he going to pay for the 2nd crown if it requires another root canal...or can they reuse the crown? *sigh* Teeth suck! If it weren't for the fact that my face would look funny (well funnier than usual), I think I'd have them all pulled out of my head...then no crooked yellow ones (no matter how much I brush)...*sigh* Some day I"ll be able to get my teeth to all look pretty...bleach them...braces...granted I'm hoping the "hurt" factor will go away quickly!

Blue box...I saw a car on my way into work that reminded me of the blue box my favorite red head used to drive. It made me smile! Isn't it funny how something we see, smell, or hear brings us back to a different time in our lives...I was reminded of the first several years of college...

I don't remember if I mentioned it on here before that my friend's brother was ill...well he passed away today. I so wish I could be there to give her a hug. I feel so sad for their loss, even though I never met him. At the same time, I'm kinda excited for him. I can't wait to meet him in heaven! He's perfectly healthy there now, and all of his disabilities from earth are gone!

I'm excited for the same friend in another matter - they closed on their house today!!! YAY!!! It's not that I'm excited that they closed on a's that I"m excited the stress they've been under is gone. It's so weird...when one member/family of the commune is feeling something, it's like we all feel it to a degree. When each has bought their house, we've been excited them...when there's been health concerns of family members, we've been sad with them...when tests come back positive when hope was dwindling, we've been relieved with's weird how the Lord has brought us all so close together. It seems that the closeness of us is unusual...especially considering we're not "childhood friends"...most of us met post high-school (except those who are actually related).

The professor just mentioned "massage"...(in a different context)...I could REALLY use a massage!!! The last professional one I had was awesome! Hey Sister-In-Law - lets do that when you come visit?!? Not that my sweet wonderful husband won't rub my shoulders...but he gets tired of doing it before all the kinks are worked out!

Ok - I've run out of things to talk about...*sigh*...and class isn't half over...let me see if I can find something else to do...y'all aren't talkin back (I know...I aren't excuses!)

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